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Authors: Hayatu, S., Umar, Y. B.

Journal Article | Publish Date: 24/June/2020


Abstract This study focused on exploring mobile learning (m-learning) readiness among financial accounting students of Government Science and Technical Colleges (GSTCs) in Gombe State. In achieving this, four research questions were raised to guide the study. Descriptive survey design was employed for the study. The study used the variables of the UTAUT model. A sample of 175 students was taken out of the total population of 312 financial accounting students of GSTCs using Yamane (1967) formula. A proportionate random sampling technique was employed in drawing the sample from three GSTCs earmarked for the study. A structured questionnaire with five point Likert scale was developed, validated and its reliability established using Cronbach alpha. A reliability coefficient of 0.78 was found. The administration of the questionnaire was done by the researchers and a trained research assistant. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistics. The finding of the study shows that students are ready to use m-learning. The study concluded that m-learning will not only be effortless but also improve teaching and learning of financial accounting. The study recommended that m-learning should be adopted in GSTCs to supplement teaching and learning of financial accounting. Key words: Mobile Learning, Readiness, Financial Accounting, Students.


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