Kashere Journal of Education


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Authors: Okam, C. C., Adamu, M. R.

Journal Article | Publish Date: 01/January/2024


Basic education has become constituted into one of the importantly embedded features of Nigeria’s education. A major critical pivot of its pedagogical assets hinges on the basis that its curricular dimensions and underpinnings imply that basic education is submerged in immense integrative, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary commitments. This development does not only evoke notions of curriculum integration and curriculum interdisciplining but also calls for a possession of a sound knowledge necessary for coping with the complex methodological dimensions and demands of the epistemology and ontology enshrined in basic education. It is envisaged that if these theoretical principles including the curriculum design structures intrinsic in this curricular area are effectively explored and employed by professional and competent educators in our various basic education establishments, this development could create the necessary basis and foundations for grooming and enthroning capacity-building perspectives for developing effective citizens who would constitute the basis for nation-building, national development and sustainability in the context of a depressed economy in Nigeria, as envisaged and demanded in the curricular offerings of our basic education programmes by the pioneer scholars of the scheme during the first decade of this century. Thus, this exposition submits a number of instructional strategies considered germane for enabling professional educators grapple with the purpose of capitalizing on the assets intrinsic in basic education in boosting capacity-building perspectives in fostering human skills-acquisition and development in confronting challenges of depressed economic crisis in Nigeria for enhancing her survival and sustainability as a democracy in the 21st century.


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